Spiritual & Meditation Teacher - Life & Equicoach
In the field of personal growth for over 30 years, with the support of my eight horses as a spiritual medium.
Book your exploratory talk
What we can do together:
I can support you in finding your authentic self, I can guide you in recognizing dysfunctional and constraining automatisms of the personality. And today it is possible to acknowledge one’s own traumas, wounds and soothe those parts in need and heal what needs to be healed. It can be done as One on One and group process.
Online Session
When you lose your center, when your mind is in chaos, there is a need for a milestone, a “lighthouse” enlightening your path. Here you can ask for support for a new awareness and it is already in that moment that everything changes.
In-person Session
The individual session supports you by taking you to spaces you have not yet explored. The interaction with these masters thus becomes therapeutic as a medicine, thanks to their ancient wisdom that heals what needs to be healed.
Couple Session
When you seem to speak in an unknown language and you don’t feel understood and listened to, it’s time to acknowledge what’s hard to see. Only this way you can be free again and freely live your love uncovering a new connection between you.
Systemic Family Constellation
The herd of horses makes our family system visible by manifesting stagnant circumstances that don't allow us to evolve, to flow with our energy. This allows you to free yourself and heal.
I’m a LifeCoach & Equine Facilited Coach and I take care to train specialists in the field of personal growth
My classes with professional training courses for whom wants to become an Holistic Operator, Counselor or Equicoach
What to expect
A guide who has already gone through its life and emotional patterns supporting you in your personal journey of self-discovery.
Personal growth and awareness
To know yourself and meet your own resources.
Professional training course, accredited and certified by FederPro and Engea. Academy provides you the theoretical and practical tools to become an Holistic Operator Equine Facilitated Learning.
Centering Intensive Course
An aligning that brings centering, in order to support you in the realization of your life projects. The training is divided in 7 groups, one weekend per month in person and three online sessions
Bio-natural Disciplines
AS FACILITATOR. From the Lombardy Region 300 hours training is required for The Operator of Bionatural Ethical Riding.
The Moon’s way
An introspective journey with our Sacred Feminine to meet our true self. The safe space of the forest “La Selva” will nourish us, darkness, awakening the wild woman, the fire of awareness. For women only.
People satisfied with their life change
Alumni trained in the last 7 years
Meditation Coach & Spiritual Teacher
Meditation is a state of No-Mind, a state of pure consciousness. It’s not about doing but about being.
In normal situations your mind overflows with rubbish, similar to a dusty mirror, an ongoing movement of thoughts between the past and the future, moving thoughts, waving desires, memories surfacing that lead you out of the present moment.
The present moment is happening now and it’s all you have.
A space to grow
Our personal growth and professional training courses, accredited by the Lombardia region are paths of self-evolutionary growth supported by horses as masters of the presence.
WHERE? They are held in our small ranch in S. Omobono Terme, surrounded by the nature of Valle Imagna, a land of green fields and woods, in the bergamasque prealps area. We have two rooms devoted to our spiritual growth and holistic training, a dormitory and the cuisine is vegetarian and organic.
Nearby is the field where eight horses live and a round where encounters with the herd take places.
No experience with horses is required, since all are groundwork exercises that will let you experience and show you what kind of leader/guide you are in your life and above all make you aware of your dysfunctional automatisms.
If you want to be happy, then start start being happy
My Story
To meet myself and what inhabited my body has been my priority since I was very young. As soon as I could I started looking for a master who could guide me.
From India with the Sadhus, to Scotland in the Findhorn Foundation, from Turkey in the brotherhood of the Sufi masters, to zen meditation retreats, intensive training retreats of “Who is in?” and Vipassana, the experience and training of OSHO active meditations, journeys in search of the authentic self, spiritual paths that pushed and supported me in meeting myself
Many encounters and holistic paths to acknowledge the personality and its dysfunctional inclinations and meet the true self. After a very traumatic experience, I met the horses again, a personal and deep meeting. Their medicine is my cure. Reborn I bring my understanding to the world but more than anything my precious experiences, integrated to the medicine that the horses bring.
A journey that has been lasting for thirty years, but it is the encounter with my inner guide that will radically change my life. There is no longer any need to search for anything, what I was looking for has been found.
Today I share who I am with those who are looking for themself and want to bring a change to their life. My training sessions are open to everyone but they are not for everyone.
It is the longing of love for freedom that leads you to meet me but only when you will be ready.
Books by Daya Eliana Rota
Stories of life and experience, of the extraordinary impact that personal growth with the help of the horse is able to give.
Life is full of encounters and loss. These stories tell us about love and horses, special souls and spiritual guides who, with great determination and kindness, lead us to understand our ability to welcome and overcome, finding the sense of our life.
It is when you walk lightly that life becomes laughter. Love and Joy. Once you have found the guide, you have found the master within you.
For you, so that you can find what you are looking for.
Start your journey
Daya is an incredibly intuitive and generous guide. With a rare frankness she manages to bring out your deepest truth and with a sincere love she makes you feel free to share it in a safe space of welcoming and support. I did a lot of training, a lot of work on myself and working as a coach myself, it wasn’t easy to find a master who could take me even deeper into myself.
Thanks to her deep focus, I managed to untie knots I didn’t even know existed.
Her clear, non-judgemental, loving presence and her perpetual honesty allowed me to remove the mask of the Ego and to see through myself, living in the fullness of my soul.